JIBBING It’s a one stop shop for design thinking, a combination of marketing and design professionals creating brand experiences of a profound impression. Our experience is our oath, 20 years of marketing research + 20 years of Design = over 40 years’ experience in user-brand centered innovation. JIBBING: is an action, a mindset an approach to business that focus and respect humanity, it’s an act of culture to create and implement value. JIBBING is fun, emphatic and proactive it’s a way of doing and leaving.

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Empowering your brand success and recognition by discovering user insights, values and believes and framing this data into clear design specifications to create positive experiences with product and services that will connect your brand with the end user.

Our design thinking process combines marketing and design know how that brings out and highlights motivations behind decisions and actions, with this deep understanding we create contextualized and relevant innovation that will connect brands with people. JIBBING is a deep and integrated tool for long term and profound brand experiences.

Our service is structured in way that will ensure a high operational efficiency and a meaningful impact across the organization. JIBBING is a mindset and an interactive process  sitting at the core of multiple teams, with a culture of making and building to interact continuously with clients, this learning by doing is a proven path towards a culture of innovation centered on people.

Our service it is organized to fit with impact, with specialized teams we combined marketing and design to create a set of key tools to match companies demands.

From single applications or products re-evaluations to a complete new portfolio, or redesign of the sales chain, our services will always bring solutions with a motivational strategic translation: WHAT motivates people to connect with brands is the key value space for meaningful solutions.


From empathy to clear executable needs.

Conducting people research we ensure the end-user is always the main focus of attention of your business.

Assessment | Visual trends analysis | Ethnography |Co-creation | Scenario creation


From needs to experience specification.

We frame insights to be actionable. From concepts to experiences we analyze all elements connecting a brand with people, finding patterns and creating strategic intent.

target group visualization | Creative frameworks | Factors of success


Creating experiences people will love.

Design the elements that will interact and connect with people in a dialogue. We go from abstract to physical, building quick prototypes, visualizing full solutions.

Design platforms | Design guidelines | Touch-points Matrix | quick mock-ups | rapid prototyping | experience simulator | Focus groups | Co-creation


From strategic to validated.

Sensing and testing on early stages  by co-creating with the end user we validate on early stages the full experience the perception and impact of it full intent.

Focus groups | Co-creation


from the idea to meaningful touch points.

Implement (multi-touch points) Experiences that fit consumers and brands with consistency across all the elements that will interact with prospects and customers.

Touch point masters | Key Assets | Design Specifications